Getting the Most Program participant

Getting the Most from Your Health Care Appointment

Health care appointments can be stressful for any patient. Research shows that patients forget 50% of the information shared during an appointment. Contributing factors including; too much information provided too quickly, unfamiliar medical jargon and the patient’s self-confidence level.

The evidence is clear, patients who take an active role in their health care are more satisfied, pursue timely and appropriate treatment and have a better quality of life. Communicating well with your health care providers is one of the most important parts of getting good care however it takes time and effort by both parties.

This 1 -1.5 hour, interactive workshop, focuses on what to do before, during and after an appointment and uses action planning to optimize people’s health. A variety of learning resources are used including information sharing, videos, tools and a resource manual that supports the individual with integrating the skills into their next appointment. This workshop prepares and empowers individuals to communicate more effectively with their health care provider(s).

The evidence is clear, patients who take an active role in their health care are more satisfied, pursue timely and appropriate treatment and have a better quality of life.

Communicating well

Action planning

Learning resources

Who is Eligible?

Anyone who is 18 years of age or older and care givers are welcome. Pre-registration is necessary to attend as space is often limited.

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